Musings from a Ragamuffin

"Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather a truth spelled with a capital 'T'. Truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality - and the intellectual hold of that Total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth." - Francis Schaeffer

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Location: Peoria, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Looks like I'm late again - for what, I'm not sure.

40 days of prayer ended last Saturday and what a great time that was. I definitely learned one very good lesson that I hope to continue. I learned to be a lot more patient and tolerant of people through these last few weeks. It was harder to become upset with someone over the little things like being cut-off in traffic or a slow person in the check-0ut line. The reason is because the people that I had been praying for (and the entire church for that matter) were strangers to me - I had no idea who they were. What if he people that I had been praying for were some of the peopel that normally would get under my skin? How could I be mad at them in one sense and still pray for them sincerely in another? That didn't seem to consistent to me. Then it struck me that even if the person wasn't someone I was praying for, it could be somebody that someone else was praying for - whether that person was from Canyon or not.

It's really helped me put at least this little bit of life into perspective. It's helped me to become more tolerant of people and more willing to show them kindness because you never know who is praying for the person that is annoying you.

On to another topic - this past Sunday we had our church Christmas party and what fun that was. I haven't had the opportunity to play live in a few years so I was definitely rusty and not quite on with everyone else, but it was still so much fun to be in front of people again playing that I didn't care much at the time. However, it always hits me harder afterwards (like the day after) when I think "I should have done this" or "I could have done this better", "I missed that note vocally", etc. I know that I wasn't pleased with my sound and to me, when you are performing live, good sound covers a mulitude of sins and my sound wasn't that great so therefore it just magnified an average performance by me. I don't think going through my amp was the smartest thing I did, I probably should have let Garth run me through the board to be more "in the mix" with everyone else. But regardless, it was still fun and people really seemed to enjoy themselves that night which I suppose is the most important thing.


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