Musings from a Ragamuffin

"Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather a truth spelled with a capital 'T'. Truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality - and the intellectual hold of that Total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth." - Francis Schaeffer

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Location: Peoria, Arizona, United States

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Long week...

Yeah, I know, it's only Wednesday. But I waited to post this until today - trust me, I really, really wanted to post this on Monday...

So, I really hate to complain but here it goes. I ended up leaving work early on Monday because I had a terrible migraine. I woke up with it, but I knew that the project we had just finished coding was going into formal testing that day and I like to be at work on the first day of formal in case something goes wrong, I can pitch in and help. Well, the headache wouldn't let up, so I ended up going home at 10:30 that morning.

Around 3:30, my best friend at work calls me on his cell phone to tell me that they just fired him. I'm like "What!?!? What for?" He says, "Because I've made too many mistakes for the past 3 years that I've been here." Uh, one word - BOGUS!!!! He started one week at this company after me way back when. Never once has he been written up, he's always received his performance bonus, etc. And now, out of the blue his works sucks? Yeah, thanks for playing but try again. Not to get into the politics of it, but the COO has been trying to get rid of him for a long, long time just for the simple fact that she didn't like him. It's not that he did anything wrong, they just didn't get along. So what was the charge? He accidentally left an icon on the computer desktop when he made an image of the computer. The icon doesn't hurt anything - but oh no, the world is crashing down because of it - so they decided to "let him go for substandard work."

On top of that, they are well aware that he has 4 kids and his wife (they both are in their mid-30's) is battling cancer (they just found out she had it last September) and going through chemo. What a bunch of heartless cowards. Arghhhhh... So now, him trying to find a new job and then have to attempt to get his wife on insurance with a pre-existing condition - I'm not really sure how all that plays out - but I've been sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Their family needs some serious prayers.

Well, then it gets better. The surrogate Programming Manager (she also wanted him gone so as soon as he messed one little thing up, she went running to the COO to tell her that she just can't work with him because he causes way too many mistakes) gathers me and the other developer (yeah - it's just me and another guy now) into a meeting to "explain" what happened. To say that I called her out on a few things is an understatement. She asked me how I felt about everything, and I told her flat out what I thought of their handling of the situation. I didn't pull any punches either.

Just a little snapshot of one of the conversations that took place during the meeting:

Me: "So, I haven't had vacation since last September. Every time I put in for it, it gets rejected because you need me here to work on things that are urgent. This will be the third time I've put in for two days off - it's next Monday and Tuesday - what is the status."
Programming Manager (PM): "Well, the request is still sitting on my desk. I turned it into the Project Manager and he had some reservations about granting it to you because of the recent developments." NOTE: I put in for these days off (which are comp days owed to me) about 2 or 3 weeks ago. And I've asked her about this nearly every day since.
Me: "Oh really? Let me get something straight for you. You made the decision to fire John - not me. That's not my problem. It's your mess and I'm not going to clean it up for you. You are going to penalize me because of your reactionary decisions? I'm telling you right now, it would be in your best interest to let me have my days off next week. Your the manager, so manage!"
PM: Stunned silence...uh...changes topic.

This went on ad nauseum...needless to say - I was totally exhausted emotionally when I got home last night - I don't know how many times I cried - it's just so frustrating and they are soooo unethical in my opinion.

Anyway, the drama continued to this morning. They invited me and the other developer into a meeting because they have a change to the software that they would like worked in. We walk into the meeting and I ask, "ok, what's the change?" Somebody thought they were a comedian and quipped, "Oh, it's not a change, we just brought you both in here to let you know you've been fired." I guess the look I shot at them was not good because they quickly back-stepped and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean it. I was just kidding." So I shot back, "You want to fire me too? Fine, I've got no problem with that." Then I quietly picked up my water, notebook, and pen, stood up and walked out of the meeting. I went back to my desk, picked up my car keys and headed out the door. I didn't go anywhere - I just paced the parking lot for about 15 minutes and called Davina to have her calm me down. I was so livid it was unbelievable.

Anyway - the rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Not very many people talked to me which was probably a good thing - don't poke the bear when he's angry. :) Needless to say, I've already got interviews lined up for this week because of all this. I placed a couple of phone calls and have floated my resume out to several different places. If any of you know someone in need of a quality, hard-working software developer, please let me know. Seriously, I don't bite....often - just when provoked.



Blogger Elizabeth C. said...

I'm really sorry to hear what happened to your friend. He and his family will definitely be in my prayers.

I will also be praying that God will bless you with His peace and that you can find a place where you will be more comfortable working. I've seen Stephen go through situations similar to this and I know how this stress can affect the whole family and every area of your life. You and Davina are in my prayers.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 10:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you, brother. Keep me posted.

Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:47:00 PM  
Blogger Shawn White said...

thanks for the prayers on john's behalf and on mine - it's been a long, tough week. i've been so exhausted both mentally and emotionally over the entire thing - but now i have 4 days off to recoup and process everything that has gone on so i have be fresh when i return.


Saturday, March 18, 2006 8:12:00 AM  

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