As what happened between Seasons 1 and 2 with all the unanswered questions, so it is between Seasons 2 and 3. The season finale left us with a huge bombshell (nearly as big as the one ending Season 1). I can't wait to find out what is going on and what is going to happen. I'm so curious about so many things that they showed us during the finale and what it all means. The writers are sadistic - putting clues out there and then letting us suffer over the summer just speculating and guessing as to what it all means and how it all fits together in the over all story.
Catch you later "brotha",
Dude, I hate LOST! But I love it even more!!! I feel like a cack addict. We're catching up fast, almost done with season one, and I already baught season 2. Is there an 'LA' meeting I can attend somewhere?
No sir, there is not any meetings in session. I love this show!!!
Well, once you get all caught up, let me know then I will introduce you to the world of LOST on the internet. There are tons o' clues to be found.
If there are enough people watching, we ought to have LOST parties were we get together once in awhile and watch an episode together. Especially the Season Finale.
(with tears running down my face) Lost is on the internet??? We can have Lost parties???
There's an entire new "LOST" world for me to discover:)
Dude - you have NO IDEA! I think LOST is beyond the traditional 12-step program anyway, there probably needs to be about a 50-step program. This stuff is more addictive that Meth.
Davina sent me to read this post and the comments. I see you have a new Lost convert there Shawn! wink! Just wait until Josh sees the entire season II with the best season finale ever created. I can't wait for season III.
Hi Kathleen - I know. Season's 2 finale is just insane and soooo intense. It will be fun once he and Neena have gotten all caught up on the viewing.
I can't wait for Season 3 to begin.
Thanks a lot for the Season One set... Unfortunately, you can not hear the intense sarcasm in my voice! You and Davina won't be happy until you have everyone you know as ridiculously addicted to Lost as you both are, you sadists!
See? This is why you need to say no to TV Crack...
ross - very funny. but it's funny because it's true...and a little sad. :)
I remember when the first season came out I accidentally watched the first episode opener because I only get 4 channels on my snowy TV, and nothing else was on. I was hooked right away and pestered Davina for the next few months to watch the show, but I didn't have any luck then. Finally I convinced her to watch when they re-ran the first season during the summer before the second season began. Since then, it has been so fun to have "Lost" friends to talk about all the episodes with. Does that make it my fault for getting Shawn and Davina hooked? I am not sure.
yeah - it took us awhile before we were convinced and now look at us. LOST junkies - it's like meth for tv...
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