Christian Cows
For several months now I've thought about starting up a blog titled "The Christian Cow". Actually, I've got the space reserved, but I haven't posted anything there yet. Part of the hesitation is that I'm not sure how well sarcasm would be received. As Christians, we tend to do a lot of silly things I think and I was going to use that blog as a way to point out how ridiculous we can be at times.
For instance, several weeks back someone mentioned in a group setting that we should be more open with everything in our lives in order to foster deeper fellowship within the community. Case in point, they said they had a friend who was going to be making a financial decision and that they were glad this person discussed their financial plans with them because they were able to deter them from seeking a loan from a particular banking establishment. Apparently this bank support homosexuality and as Christians we shouldn't do business with them. So what then? We seeking out a Christian only bank? Are their business practices going to be any more ethical than a non-Christian branch? There are too many criteria to address and what if my criteria doesn't match yours? Who's right and who's wrong? Should we only conduct business with Christian companies? Should we only watch Christian television and listen to Christian music? Should we only drink milk from a Christian cow? What if the cow eats grass planted by an Atheist - has the cow sinned?
It's enough to drive me mad. Do I believe that homosexuality is wrong? Sure I do, I believe that Scripture is emphatically clear on that point. But do I isolate myself from everything that is non-biblical to make some point? No, because isolation removes our presence and voice from the public square and it renders the message of Christ and the Cross meaningless. Our influence in the world comes not from isolation, but from innoculation. That's what it means to be salt and light. Salt doesn't flavor and preserve anything if it is kept sealed away and stored on some pantry shelf - it's useless in that context. Only when it comes in close contact - actually when it is embedded within, does it preserve and give flavor.
For instance, several weeks back someone mentioned in a group setting that we should be more open with everything in our lives in order to foster deeper fellowship within the community. Case in point, they said they had a friend who was going to be making a financial decision and that they were glad this person discussed their financial plans with them because they were able to deter them from seeking a loan from a particular banking establishment. Apparently this bank support homosexuality and as Christians we shouldn't do business with them. So what then? We seeking out a Christian only bank? Are their business practices going to be any more ethical than a non-Christian branch? There are too many criteria to address and what if my criteria doesn't match yours? Who's right and who's wrong? Should we only conduct business with Christian companies? Should we only watch Christian television and listen to Christian music? Should we only drink milk from a Christian cow? What if the cow eats grass planted by an Atheist - has the cow sinned?
It's enough to drive me mad. Do I believe that homosexuality is wrong? Sure I do, I believe that Scripture is emphatically clear on that point. But do I isolate myself from everything that is non-biblical to make some point? No, because isolation removes our presence and voice from the public square and it renders the message of Christ and the Cross meaningless. Our influence in the world comes not from isolation, but from innoculation. That's what it means to be salt and light. Salt doesn't flavor and preserve anything if it is kept sealed away and stored on some pantry shelf - it's useless in that context. Only when it comes in close contact - actually when it is embedded within, does it preserve and give flavor.
Great blog, Shawn! I completely agree with you. We have to be in the world, not of the world. How else can we be an influence for Christ?
Thanks for the comment Elizabeth! I know that you don't comment often, but I would encourage you to do so - both you and Stephen have such great insight - you guys shouldn't keep that all bottled up. :)
Davina and I are always big fans of fellow Christians who have such depth and maturity - we think you two fit that mold.
I would like to add one more qualifier to that old saying "In the world, not of the world, but for the world." We can be in it, but if we don't stand out in being for it, then we become irrelevant I believe.
Thank you for your kind words about Stephen and I. I'm getting a little braver about commenting. You guys are a lot more academic than me and I find that a little intimidating sometimes. : ) But I'll try to keep up. I enjoy reading your thoughts and being on the fringe of you discussions.
By the way, I like that addition of "for the world"!
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