It Is Upon Us
What is, you may be asking yourself?
Why, none other than Eggnog Season. Woot!!! Davina bought me some Eggnog last night and as I write this I am enjoying my first glass o'tasty goodness. I'm not really sure what it is about Eggnog and the Fall/Winter time - but man, it makes me wish I had a fireplace and that there was a foot of snow outside...
Why, none other than Eggnog Season. Woot!!! Davina bought me some Eggnog last night and as I write this I am enjoying my first glass o'tasty goodness. I'm not really sure what it is about Eggnog and the Fall/Winter time - but man, it makes me wish I had a fireplace and that there was a foot of snow outside...
I think you know how I feel about the holidays, since I started decorating for fall in mid September! I even tend to over-dress my kids for the weather because I love winter clothes.
Enjoy your nog... avec/sans brandy?
Cheers indeed! I love to raise a great glass of Eggnog. Straight up is good but I also like it with a little 7-Up mixed in. Might sound funny but it's good and it lightens the viscosity. Of course, I do occasionally enjoy Eggnog with a spot of the hard stuff...a single shot of Brandy. Moderation is very tasty. CHEERS!
Noggers Unite!!!
well, since I've never drank any type of alcohol or liquor (not that there is anything wrong with that) I've never had it with brandy - although I have heard that it is good that way.
I guess that makes us Eggnogger Bloggers. LOL
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