Musings from a Ragamuffin

"Christianity is not a series of truths in the plural, but rather a truth spelled with a capital 'T'. Truth about total reality, not just about religious things. Biblical Christianity is Truth concerning total reality - and the intellectual hold of that Total Truth and then living in the light of that Truth." - Francis Schaeffer

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Location: Peoria, Arizona, United States

Thursday, October 26, 2006

LOST S4E3 - Recap

Wow - what a fantastic episode last night.

So I guess I missed this clue - but the Others have a submarine!? At least that is what one friend has told us. Very interesting if that is true - I'll have to re-watch it tonight to see when they mention it. Also, there are 2 islands? Why hasn't anyone seen the second island yet?

Sawyer took a beating - that was nuts. Desmond - something happened to him during the implosion of the hatch - he has either become psychic or else he took a short trip into the future and then returned (remember Hurley found him sans clothes - in the Terminator movies, when they traveled across time, they also arrived without clothes).

Next two weeks episodes look very intense. Also, looks like Jack is slowly getting pulled into the Others camp...



Blogger Laura said...

Hmm... I just finished watching it again, and I didn't notice anything about a sub. Where is the mention? Also, before re-watching I didn't think the Others went to another island with Jack/Kate/Sawyer, but now I'm not sure, maybe they did. After Ethan took Claire, she didn't have to swim anywhere to get back to the camp, but maybe they took her back. Also, when the plane crashed, it was on the same island as the Others' camp as seen in the opener of season three.

I just thought of something! When Ben was so upset about Sayid and gang having a boat, he might have thought that they would sail around and see the other island and then come investigate and that's why he wanted the boat so bad. So... now I'm totally confused and I don't have any idea if the Others have JKS on another island or not. Which I guess is the point of this show and why we keep watching.

I love the idea of Desmond having some kind of ESP or time travel. As Dan said, it's a cool story line! It looks like he knew Claire's tent would be struck by lightning and created the rod to save her and Aaron. I'm looking forward to more of that stuff.

Sawyer is my new favorite character (since they killed Ana-Lucia). I always liked his quips, but seeing him set up a financial account for his daughter put him at the top of my list. He has a heart after all!

I think the reason Jack was taken by the Others was to operate on whoever has the spinal tumor. I don't know why Kate and Sawyer are there, other than they would have come after Jack anyway.

Well, I suppose some questions will be answered in the coming weeks, but there will also be new questions added.

p.s. When Sawyer quotes Of Mice and Men to Ben, but then doesn't recognize the quote Ben says it is because he got out of jail and didn't finish the book.

Thursday, October 26, 2006 10:59:00 PM  
Blogger Shawn White said...

Laura - I think the part where the submarine is mentioned is when word returns that Coleen was shot. There is a ton of confusion going on and amidst the cacophonous dialog there is apparently mention of a "sub".

I think you are right on about Benry being upset and wanting the boat - that was the conclusion I came too as well. I also agree with your idea about the Others wanting Jack - and I think it is Benry that has the tumor.

The interesting thing about the plane crash and the Others watching it is that Benry tells Ethan to hurry because he is an hour from the crash - hard to tell where they are at that point. As far as Claire goes - she was still on the original island because they have the hatches all over there.

Although, now I'm curious how they moved the Polar bears from one island to the other...

Lot's of interesting developments happening now.


Friday, October 27, 2006 9:06:00 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Wow, I totally forgot about the bears...

Friday, October 27, 2006 11:42:00 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Also, I don't remember what the Dharma logo was where they held Claire and since I don't have the previous seasons DVD's, I can't check that out (hint).

Good planning, I suppose, to have a week for viewers to speculate and try to figure things out. Although I could loose some sleep about a couple of these story lines!

Friday, October 27, 2006 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The symbol for the medical hatch where Claire was held was the standard sign of medicine - Hermes' staff - two snakes twisted on a pole with wings at the top.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:25:00 AM  
Blogger Shawn White said...

laura - haven't had a chance to recheck the last episode for the "sub" reference. also, i think davina is right that it's a medical symbol.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't check the "sub" reference because I don't T-vo, but let me know if I was wrong. Maybe I was just hearing things. Thats what I get for having a channel with lots of snow. For 1/2 the show I had to stand with my hand on the rabbit ear to clear the picture. :P

Friday, November 03, 2006 11:15:00 PM  

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